4020 Main St., Timnath, CO

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The little church with a big heart!

All are Invited

We bless every shawl that is made and pray for those who will receive them.

Nearly 18 years ago, a small group of knitters at Timnath Presbyterian Church joined the growing numbers of a nationwide movement called Prayer Shawl Ministry.

We provide prayer shawls for celebrations, for comfort and healing, for baptisms, and “just because” to our church members, friends, relatives, or to anyone who requests
one. We donate prayer shawls to St. Luke’s Medical Clinic to give to their patients.

In the past we have made twiddlemuffs for those with dementia. We haven’t had many
requests for those recently but would be very happy to make some if needed.

ALL are invited to join us – we have a few people who bring their own needlework projects, always a few beginners or those who “used to do that”, and many who are willing to help teach, untangle yarn, pray, fringe, and “fix holes”. If you, your children or grandchildren would like to learn a relaxing hobby, come join us. Most of us are involved in TPC, but people have brought their friends or neighbors as well, and now they are
OUR friends!

We usually have a light snack, and we always end with a time to pray as we bless every shawl that is made and pray for those who will receive them.

We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month in the Fellowship Hall, unless there is a conflict, from 9 to 11a.m.

See our monthly BellRinger articles for that month’s dates or any deviation from our usual schedule.

We are grateful to our church family for your ongoing support. Because of your support, yarn is provided for prayer shawls.

Circle of Eternity stained glass