History of Timnath Presbyterian Church
The Timnath Presbyterian Church is the first and only house of worship built in Timnath and one of the oldest Presbyterian churches in continual existence in Colorado. The first church services were held in a log schoolhouse built near the river. That school was built in 1869 and missionary preachers of Methodist, Presbyterian and United Brethren faiths held services in the schoolhouse.
In 1880 another school (Fairview) was built north of Timnath and Presbyterians began meeting there. The Rev. Charles Taylor became the permanent minister in 1883 and the Presbyterian church of Fairview was formally organized with 21 members. A 5-acre plot was purchased and a parsonage was built on the north-west corner. The story goes that Rev. Taylor named the town of Timnath. He took his clue from the 14th chapter of Judges (KJV) of which the verse reads as follows: ” And Sampson went down to Timnath and saw a woman of Timnath and the daughters of the Philistines.” Since that time the town was known as Timnath.
During the summer of 1888 the church was built at a cost of $3500. The sanctuary and lecture room were the only parts of the initial church. By 1890 records show membership at 100.

The Great Depression Arrives
The original pews, pulpit and structural beams are still part of the ambiance in the church today. Between the years of 1903 to 1928, the Timnath Presbyterian Church had eight full-time ministers. On August 14, 1914 Presbytery handed down a decree that the minimum salary for ministers was to be $1,000 per annum.
The Great Depression Arrives
The shadow of the Great Depression hung over the church throughout the 1930s. Records show that no permanent minister served during 1933. The Treasurer’s report for that year lists payment made to nine different ministers; the average stipend was $2.00 for each Sunday service conducted.
In 1962 the church sponsored a Cuban refugee family, Mr. & Mrs. Jose Fernandez and their three children. They lived in a house provided by the Gilbert Fisher family, southeast of Timnath. The family were a welcome part of the community until they were able to move on.
In 1968 the name of the church was changed from the Presbyterian Church of Timnath to the Timnath Presbyterian Church. During Pastor Moyer’s tenure of the 1970’s he made nine beautiful stain-glass windows which are present today.
During the late 1970’s, the Youth Group went on a mission trip to Alaska. Nine young people and five adults piled into three cars along with truckloads of supplies and baggage. The entourage left on June 2nd for a 2-week stay at a work camp at Sheldon Jackson College, a Presbyterian College in Sitka that serves the natives of Alaska.
In the 1980’s a sponsorship of the Ngo family (refugees from South Vietnam), summer daycare for the migrants, a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the church founding, and the purchase of new choir robes were made possible by special gifts.
Church Addition begins in 1988
In 1988 the addition to the church began. This would provide a large fellowship hall and new kitchen, nursery and church school rooms. It was occupied in 1989. Three times in the 1990’s the youth group enjoyed mission trips during the summers. They were in Arizona, Wyoming and Montana.
Throughout its history, Timnath has been able to retain the many desirable characteristics people think of when they think of “small town America”.