Meet Pastor Jonathan Ytterock
Jonathan grew up in the metro-Detroit area of Michigan and loves his hometown dearly. He moved across the state, near to the cool splendor of Lake Michigan, to attend Hope College and then Western Theological Seminary where he earned his Masters of Divinity (M.Div) and Doctor of Ministry (D.Min). While attending Hope College, Jonathan met his wife Annie — a Colorado native! Together they are raising two children, Lila and Ephraim, and an old dog named Jazz.
Jonathan is a joyful minister of the gospel, called by God to preach, teach, lead and care for the congregation. He has a deep desire to see Timnath Church grow in their life of fellowship and witness as they are rooted in the hope of Christ’s ministry, stand in the power of his Spirit, and walk toward the horizon of his promise to make “all things new”.
Church Staff

Eileen Cieniuch
Eileen was born and raised in Illinois so a Midwesterner at heart, big Chicago Bears fan! Fun fact, Eileen has lived in 5 states in the last 12 years, all on the West Coast. In her free time Eileen runs 5K’s, hikes all over northern Colorado and watches her two sons play football, basketball and run track. Feel free to stop in the office and say hello.

Diane Stapleton
Diane grew up wearing warm hats and Lions/Bears/Cubs hats in the Midwest. She does not walk alone. She takes off her hat to her husband Tom, her daughters, Megan & Shannon, her son-in-law, Nate and her extended family. Like many of you, in life and in Family Ministry, she wears a few hats. Diane is excited to talk with you about all-things-children, youth & adults (also animals). Let’s hang our hats, take a walk, have a cup of tea or meet for a chat any time.

Zechariah Oswald, Choir Director
Bobby Brannock, Accompanist
Joan Saxbury, Pianist
Gil Fisher, Organist
Peggy McGouch, Pianist/Organist
As Presbyterians we find our place within the whole universal church and are marked out in part by our theological convictions (see What We Believe) and our polity — that is, how we structure our life together. In fact, Presbyterian comes from the Greek word, presbyteros, meaning elders, because we are a church governed by Elders under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Each congregation is led by the Session — a “board” comprised of Elders (women and men) elected by the congregation to order our common life and guide us in faithfulness and moderated by the pastor. Each congregation is then connected to the larger Presbyterian Church (USA) through regional governing bodies, made up of elders and pastors, called Presbyteries, Synods, and the General Assembly.
Timnath Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbytery of Plains & Peaks and currently has a Session of six Ruling Elders who serve rolling three year terms.
Our current Session is: Jill Doyle, Bill Fisher, Paul Jacobs, Jean Johnson McCulla, Robin Pacheco, Jim Zacheis