Bagels & Bibles, Men’s Bible Study
Bagels & Bibles meets Tuesdays at 6:10am for any and all TPC men! Come out to try this new men’s Bible study!
Bagels & Bibles meets Tuesdays at 6:10am for any and all TPC men! Come out to try this new men’s Bible study!
Youth Ministry Parent Gathering – There will be a Youth Ministry Parent Gathering at noon on Sunday, January 21 @ Timnath Beerwerks.
The annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck will be held on Sunday, January 28 after worship. This is a great time to read and hear reports from the past year and to celebrate what the Lord is doing among us and through us, as well as take care of several matters of business.
Christian Education @ 9amWorship Service of Word and Table @ 10am (New Elder Ordination & Installation)Picture make-up day for Photo Directory following Worship
No Christian Education @ 9amWorship Service of Word and Prayer (and carols!) at 10am
Poinsettia Orders will be taken until October 29. Each plant will be $10 and you can choose red, white, or pink. We will also offer Fantasy poinsettias for $15. Plants can be picked up after the Christmas Eve service. Order forms are in the pews and completed forms with payment can be placed in the offering…
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TPC’s Alpha Youth Confirmation 9am, Sunday, Sept. 10th – Sunday, Nov. 19th Confirmation weekend retreat Oct 20th – 22nd. We, at Timnath Presbyterian Church, are so thrilled to announce that ‘Alpha Confirmation’ registration is NOW open! If your youth has questions, Alpha Youth provides honest answers in a youth & video led atmosphere. Weekly, we…
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