Growing Together in our Beliefs
As followers of Jesus we are to “grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ” (Ephesians 4:15). We seek to grow together in a variety of ways here at TPC, from Bible study and fellowship to acts of service in our town and community. We want to create an environment where the youngest to the oldest have space to mature as saints in Christ.
We welcome all to Sunday School at 9am (September-May)
Christian Education is described by age groups. Many of the programs cross ages and include growth and learning between students and leaders. Additional opportunities for learning and growth are also offered through the week.

Adult discipleship happens at TPC every Sunday and midweek at various times throughout the year.

Youth Bible Studies are provided by the youth leader and other youth volunteers on Sunday mornings. Confirmation activities and additional Youth Group activities for fellowship and learning are continuously being developed.

Children are invited to explore and respond to God’s Word this fall in Growing in Grace & Gratitude – a weekly rhythm of gathering in grace to hear the Bible, responding in gratitude with crafts and games, and learning and loving and serve God. Activities for children are available through Sunday School, Children in Worship, and Summer VBS.
If you, a child, or a family member has a disability or special needs for physical or learning accommodations in any of TPC programs, please contact Pastor Jonathan. He will put you in contact with one of the members who has experience in providing services for children and individuals with disabilities in order to confidentially support needed accommodations.